Manual Testing

Manual testing is the most trusted and meticulous method of testing software wherein the testers do not us any automated tools. In this process, a tester manually works on the software testing for errors and defect before delivering it in the market.

We designed the test cases and scenarios once the testing starts. We measure the difference between the actual and expected results are analyzed, compared and reported as defects. Our ultimate goal is to deliver software with good quality to gain customer satisfaction.

Once the testing starts, the designed test cases and scenarios are tested by the tester. The difference between the actual and expected results are analyzed, compared and reported as defects.

We offer manual testing as a services a company’s quality engineering & quality assurance needs. Our efforts to form a robust team is strengthened with combined experiences of both the client’s needs and our engineering solutions. Our method encourages client interaction and incorporates client feedback in all projects including:

  • Core test services
  • Functionality and UI
  • Robustness, reliability
  • Security
  • Regression
  • Interoperability